Hey everyone - B. Quirke here,

The past year stretched me in a lot of ways - 2015 was a year of rowdy goal setting resulting in some big successes and some magnificent botches. Instead of keeping them to myself, I figure I'd let folks know how the kid did. 

The goals I crushed highlighted areas I attacked with care and conviction, while the goals that crushed me exposed ambitions I set for my ego, and projects I was just interested in and not committed to. All told, a heck of a ride.

Here's what the process looked like for me:

  1. Oct/Nov/Dec 2014 - goal set - ongoing brainstorm 
  2. Dec 2014 select the best and group each into categories (see below)
  3. Jan 1st, 2015 GO TIME
  4. June/July 2015 conduct a mid year review on where I'm thriving/struggling
  5. Dec 2016 year end review

The unaccomplished goals at year's end were assigned 1 of 3 fates: pushed to the 2016 goals list, put on the bucket list or assigned a "nah, I'm over it" and SCRATCHED (my personal favourite) 


  • New territory (new experiences, challenges to my comfort zone)
  • Fitness & Health (movement, strength, diet)
  • Finance ($$$)
  • Connection (is currency baby; creating deeper and broader relationships)
  • Community (giving back to friends, family, others)
  • Professional (all things 9-5)

So, how did they go?

New Territory:

  • Create a GOLD 8 tracks playlist, release w/ Squamish/Pemberton Fest -- NOPE --> Bucket List
  • Take 3 different dance classes at harbour dance center -- YUP
  • Publish an E-book blending men's health, aphorisms and self-discovery -- NOPE --> Bucket List
  • Try three 1.5 hour float room sessions -- YUP
  • Craft a Noir'N'B playlist -- YUP
  • Put up block letter "man in the arena" quote in kitchen -- YUP
  • Travel to Turkey/Greece, create sights and sounds video -- YUP
  • Finish writing personal manifesto -- NOPE--> 2016 Goal


  • Break 2 squash rackets or less this year, you idiot -- YUP
  • put 20% down on a home in Vancouver -- NOPE --> Bucket List


  • Get first two publications as lead author into impactful journals -- NOPE --> 2016 Goal
  • Give a Tedx talk -- NOPE --> Bucket List
  • Build LinkedIn profile, hit 500+ connections -- YUP
  • Invest 200 hours in becoming a policy/program statistical evaluation guru -- NOPE --> Leave it
  • Update resume -- YUP
  • Secure mentorship from 3 individuals where you want to be -- NOPE --> 2016 Goal
  • Comment on half of Terry Boygo's blog posts, formally request his mentorship -- YUP


  • Run 42k in Vancouver -- NOPE --> Leave it
  • Run 21k in Greece -- YUP
  • Run 21k in Turkey -- YUP
  • Bench 185 comfortably w/ clean form -- YUP
  • Solidify 3 regular gym buddies-- YUP


  • Attend a BNI Creekside network morning meeting -- YUP
  • Attend a mantalks event -- YUP
  • Organize and WIN the Gentlemen's cup squash tournament -- NOPE --> 2016 Goal
  • Attend 3 whiskey wiseman nights -- YUP
  • Throw a Christmas party -- YUP
  • Organize a work party at the UBC Biercraft -- YUP
  • Hold a rock/paper/scissors tournament w/ Jolly Brain Group -- NOPE --> Bucket List


  • Strongly advocate 'Yes' for the March 2015 Metro Vancouver Transit vote -- YUP
  • Take a half day to purge the possessions I don't need, donate in person at Carnegie Community Centre -- YUP
  • Attend 2015 squash world open championship in Washington -- NOPE --> Leave it
  • 1.5 hours a week on Saturday mornings formalizing a weight training program for DTES folk in the Carnegie Community centre weight room -- YUP

Following the review, it was evident I needed to pull my socks up in my professional and financial life. I made them a priority for my 2016 goals. 

I'll follow up with a Pt.2 post digging into WHY some goals were achieved and not others (..so you want to run a marathon AND get your bench press up at the same time?), WHY I easily set 10 'New Territory' goals and a paltry 2 'Financial Goals' (..avoiding weaknesses) and WHY I could spend my precious time abroad exercising but couldn't write a simple email to mentors asking for help..



